Official Plan

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Bruce County is renewing its Official Plan — the roadmap for growth and development to 2046.

Planning for Bruce County's Growth

Bruce County is growing. Our population is expected to achieve a population of 93, 600 and employment of 43,000 jobs by the year 2046, and we want your ideas on how and where to grow! We are currently reviewing the Official Plan, a key document that guides long-term growth and development in the County to 2046. It considers our unique, local needs and guides how we will work towards a vision for our future.

The Official Plan touches your everyday life – the businesses you work in, the places you shop, the type of house live in, the roads you use every day, and how our communities grow.

Draft New Official Plan Available for Public Review

You are invited to review the draft policies and schedules for the new Bruce County Official Plan.

The complete text of the new draft Official Plan is available here and under the Documents section in right side panel.

Mapping of Land Use designations and further Official Plan Schedules are available at the following link: here.

  • A1-A3  Land Use (North, Interior, Lakeshore)
  • B County Structure and Connections
  • C1 - C3  Resources and Constraints (North, Interior, Lakeshore)
  • E1 - E3  Natural Environment System (North, Interior, Lakeshore)
  • F1- F3   Water Resource System (North, Interior, Lakeshore)

Compare The Proposed Draft New Official Plan Maps to the Existing Official Plan Maps

An interactive map that allows comparison between existing and new mapping is available now by clicking here.

We have received some requests for potential adjustments or changes to designations of Settlement Areas and shorelines areas. These requests are represented here and will be evaluated with recommendations provided following the public engagement period.

Requested Municipal Settlement Boundary adjustments as of September 26 are available here.

New Survey - Share your Thoughts about the Draft New Official Plan

You can share your thoughts about the Draft New Official Plan via this survey.

Have More Questions?

Our team would be happy to connect with you!

Email us at

You can also book a one-on-one meeting with a Plan The Bruce team member here.

Continuing Engagement with Communities and Stakeholders

We are committed to continued engagement with the public, local municipalities, stakeholders, businesses and Indigenous communities throughout this process. Your input will help us develop a “made in Bruce” policy solution that satisfies Provincial Policy but is also adapted to meet the unique planning opportunities and challenges within the County.

This page aims to provide regular updates on the project and allow members of the community to provide input during the development of the new Official Plan.

Official Plan Review Project Phases

Update on Growth Management Amendment – August 23, 2024

The Minister of Municipal Affairs has approved the County’s Growth Management Amendment with one modification, developed in consultation with County staff, to align the policies with the Provincial Planning Statement 2024. The growth management amendment is incorporated in the draft new Official Plan.

Current Project Status: Phase 3

We are in the last phase of the Official Plan Review process. During Phase 3, the County will share draft policies that reflect the feedback received during Phases 1 and 2. Draft policies will be reviewed and consulted on in order to inform recommendations for Council consideration.

Bruce County staff and external consultant, WSP, are working to establish the full new plan framework to 2046. It will bring together the directions from the Plan the Bruce Project Discussion Papers, Official Plan Best Practices Review, recent legislation changes, and the growth management amendment and recent amendments related to agriculture, community improvement plans and additional residential units.

Update on Implementation Amendment - April 4, 2024

Following a public meeting held on December 7, 2023, the Implementation Amendment to the current Official Plan was adopted. This amendment refines local land use processes, enhances the usability of the plan, simplifies language and improves policy effectiveness.

Key changes include:

  • Enabling use of planning tools like Community Planning Permit Systems.
  • Integration of Provincial policy and legislation references.
  • Allowing Local Official Plans to cite the County's Official Plan.

Sections 6 and 7, and some parts of Section 4 of the current Official Plan have been changed with the adoption of the Implementation Amendment. Visit Plans, By-laws, Resources and FAQs to learn more about the Implementation Amendment.

A consolidated version of the current Official Plan, reflecting the changes that came into effect with the Implementation Amendment, is available here.

Update - June 29, 2023
The way we work as community planners is changing, as we adapt to provincially-driven changes to the Land Use Planning system:

  • On April 6, 2023, the Ontario government proposed:
    • A new Provincial Planning Statement (PPS) to replace the current Provincial Policy Statement and the Growth Plan.
    • Changes to the Planning Act with the introduction of Bill 97, the Helping Homebuyers, Protecting Tenants Act, 2023.
  • On October 25, 2022, the Ontario government introduced sweeping legislation with Bill 23, the More Homes Built Faster Act, 2022.

The Province indicated they intend to implement the new Provincial Planning Statement in fall of 2023.

As the Bruce County Official Plan must conform to the Provincial Policy / Planning Statement, which is currently being amended, our work to update our Official Plan has been impacted.

We are continuing to draft new policies and mapping where there are minimal changes; where there is more uncertainty, we’re seeking to understand how potential changes may impact policy in the new Bruce County Official Plan.

An Update on the Growth Management Amendment

In October 2022, Bruce County Council adopted an Official Plan Amendment that sets out a new growth strategy for our rapidly growing communities. The amendment was submitted to the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing in January 2023 for approval. However, Bruce County Council was recently notified that the province is suspending its deadline for making a decision on the amendment.

Stay Tuned to Plan the Bruce!

As engaged stakeholders with the project, thank you for your involvement to date. Further public consultation is being postponed until the new Provincial Planning Statement is implemented.

We are looking forward to more opportunities for your input, at the first opportunity following the release of the new Provincial Planning Statement. Stay tuned for future updates on how you can be involved.

Phase 2 - Complete

Growth Management Amendment to Existing Bruce County Official Plan

This amendment focused on population and employment growth that is expected to occur between now and 2046. This amendment to the current Bruce County Official Plan broadly covers how much growth is expected in the County and its local Municipalities. Establishing a growth management strategy enables local municipalities to initiate planning projects to address the anticipated growth.

The public meeting was held on Thursday, October 6, 2022. Review the meeting video recording and supporting documents.

County of Bruce Council passed By-law 2022-092 on October 20, 2022, being a By-law to Adopt Part One of Amendment Number C-2022-012 to the County of Bruce Official Plan. The amendment is subject to final approval by the Minister of Municipal Affairs. Review the Notice of Adoption.

A decision was made by the Council for the Corporation of the County of Bruce on October 20, 2022 to approve By-Law 2022-093, being a By-law to Adopt Part Two of Amendment Number C-2022-012 to the County of Bruce Official Plan. Review the Notice of Decision. This amendment is now in effect.

Additional Residential Units Amendment to Existing Bruce County Official Plan

After a public meeting on July 15, 2021, the Planning and Development Committee approved a change to the County Official Plan that establishes a more flexible framework to reduce barriers to creating and permitting Additional Residential Units in detached buildings. The amendment reflects the outcome of comments received through the Plan the Bruce: Homes project and discussions with both the Province and local Municipalities. Creating Additional Residential Units directly increases the supply and mix of homes, particularly units available for rental purposes. Adding rental units will also help ease a current constraint on business growth. Natural legacy considerations are addressed through limiting opportunities for additional residential units in ‘Rural Recreation’ areas associated with shorelines and natural settings.

Review the meeting video recording and supporting documents.

Agriculture Amendment to Existing Bruce County Official Plan

On April 7, 2022, the Planning & Development Committee approved the County Official Plan Amendment – C-2021-025 Agriculture Amendment. The Committee expressed interest in advancing agriculture policy changes in the near-term to support planning objectives while not detracting from the work to advance the larger project to develop a new County Official Plan. In accordance with this direction, the Official Plan Amendment eliminates restriction of two parcels from original crown lot for surplus farm residence severances, minor lot boundary adjustments that do not result in the creation of a new parcel or increase development potential, and lot re-configurations that meet the minimum lot area requirements.

The Amendment also recognizes the existing lot area of retained parcels following a surplus farm residence severance, incorporate additional wording to better guide applicants who wish to create a new farm lot that is less than the 40-hectare (99 acre) minimum, expand and clarify the permitted uses on farms to add flexibility and better reflect the range of uses allowed in the Provincial Policy Statement and related provincial implementation guidelines, and incorporate other related minor amendments for clarity or housekeeping.

Review the meeting video recording and supporting documents.

Amendment to Existing Bruce County Official Plan to Update Policy on Community Improvement Plans (CIPs)

Review the meeting video recording and supporting documents.

Phase 1 - Complete

Learn more about the Bruce GPS visioning project.

Completed eight community-driven and planning-focused guiding principles, which will all work together to execute the vision of the new Official Plan for Bruce County. Agriculture, Homes, Natural Legacy, Good Growth, Heritage, Connecting, Communitiesand Business.

Review recommended policy direction from the eight Guiding Principles, which will all work together to execute the vision of the new Official Plan for Bruce County.

Stay Up to Date

Sign up for email updates to stay informed on how this project progresses. You will receive information and notices about the project and opportunities to get involved.

Stay tuned for more opportunities to share your ideas!

Give Input

You’re invited to help Plan the Bruce. Get involved and offer feedback on important land use planning issues affecting Bruce County now and into the future.

Get involved and offer feedback on land use planning where homes, businesses, schools, parks, roads and infrastructure are built, and how communities grow and manage change.

Together, we are explorers: navigating Bruce County toward a healthy, diverse and thriving future.

Please Note: This page will be updated regularly with project updates and opportunities to engage. In the meantime, if you have any questions or comments, please email

Reports to Council

Below are a series of reports provided to Bruce County Council on the new Official Plan.

About Plan the Bruce

Plan the Bruce is a land use project to inform the new Official Plan the roadmap for growth and development to the year 2046.

This is a major project that will have a lasting impact on how Bruce County will be shaped in the future.

Bruce County is renewing its Official Plan — the roadmap for growth and development to 2046.

Planning for Bruce County's Growth

Bruce County is growing. Our population is expected to achieve a population of 93, 600 and employment of 43,000 jobs by the year 2046, and we want your ideas on how and where to grow! We are currently reviewing the Official Plan, a key document that guides long-term growth and development in the County to 2046. It considers our unique, local needs and guides how we will work towards a vision for our future.

The Official Plan touches your everyday life – the businesses you work in, the places you shop, the type of house live in, the roads you use every day, and how our communities grow.

Draft New Official Plan Available for Public Review

You are invited to review the draft policies and schedules for the new Bruce County Official Plan.

The complete text of the new draft Official Plan is available here and under the Documents section in right side panel.

Mapping of Land Use designations and further Official Plan Schedules are available at the following link: here.

  • A1-A3  Land Use (North, Interior, Lakeshore)
  • B County Structure and Connections
  • C1 - C3  Resources and Constraints (North, Interior, Lakeshore)
  • E1 - E3  Natural Environment System (North, Interior, Lakeshore)
  • F1- F3   Water Resource System (North, Interior, Lakeshore)

Compare The Proposed Draft New Official Plan Maps to the Existing Official Plan Maps

An interactive map that allows comparison between existing and new mapping is available now by clicking here.

We have received some requests for potential adjustments or changes to designations of Settlement Areas and shorelines areas. These requests are represented here and will be evaluated with recommendations provided following the public engagement period.

Requested Municipal Settlement Boundary adjustments as of September 26 are available here.

New Survey - Share your Thoughts about the Draft New Official Plan

You can share your thoughts about the Draft New Official Plan via this survey.

Have More Questions?

Our team would be happy to connect with you!

Email us at

You can also book a one-on-one meeting with a Plan The Bruce team member here.

Continuing Engagement with Communities and Stakeholders

We are committed to continued engagement with the public, local municipalities, stakeholders, businesses and Indigenous communities throughout this process. Your input will help us develop a “made in Bruce” policy solution that satisfies Provincial Policy but is also adapted to meet the unique planning opportunities and challenges within the County.

This page aims to provide regular updates on the project and allow members of the community to provide input during the development of the new Official Plan.

Official Plan Review Project Phases

Update on Growth Management Amendment – August 23, 2024

The Minister of Municipal Affairs has approved the County’s Growth Management Amendment with one modification, developed in consultation with County staff, to align the policies with the Provincial Planning Statement 2024. The growth management amendment is incorporated in the draft new Official Plan.

Current Project Status: Phase 3

We are in the last phase of the Official Plan Review process. During Phase 3, the County will share draft policies that reflect the feedback received during Phases 1 and 2. Draft policies will be reviewed and consulted on in order to inform recommendations for Council consideration.

Bruce County staff and external consultant, WSP, are working to establish the full new plan framework to 2046. It will bring together the directions from the Plan the Bruce Project Discussion Papers, Official Plan Best Practices Review, recent legislation changes, and the growth management amendment and recent amendments related to agriculture, community improvement plans and additional residential units.

Update on Implementation Amendment - April 4, 2024

Following a public meeting held on December 7, 2023, the Implementation Amendment to the current Official Plan was adopted. This amendment refines local land use processes, enhances the usability of the plan, simplifies language and improves policy effectiveness.

Key changes include:

  • Enabling use of planning tools like Community Planning Permit Systems.
  • Integration of Provincial policy and legislation references.
  • Allowing Local Official Plans to cite the County's Official Plan.

Sections 6 and 7, and some parts of Section 4 of the current Official Plan have been changed with the adoption of the Implementation Amendment. Visit Plans, By-laws, Resources and FAQs to learn more about the Implementation Amendment.

A consolidated version of the current Official Plan, reflecting the changes that came into effect with the Implementation Amendment, is available here.

Update - June 29, 2023
The way we work as community planners is changing, as we adapt to provincially-driven changes to the Land Use Planning system:

  • On April 6, 2023, the Ontario government proposed:
    • A new Provincial Planning Statement (PPS) to replace the current Provincial Policy Statement and the Growth Plan.
    • Changes to the Planning Act with the introduction of Bill 97, the Helping Homebuyers, Protecting Tenants Act, 2023.
  • On October 25, 2022, the Ontario government introduced sweeping legislation with Bill 23, the More Homes Built Faster Act, 2022.

The Province indicated they intend to implement the new Provincial Planning Statement in fall of 2023.

As the Bruce County Official Plan must conform to the Provincial Policy / Planning Statement, which is currently being amended, our work to update our Official Plan has been impacted.

We are continuing to draft new policies and mapping where there are minimal changes; where there is more uncertainty, we’re seeking to understand how potential changes may impact policy in the new Bruce County Official Plan.

An Update on the Growth Management Amendment

In October 2022, Bruce County Council adopted an Official Plan Amendment that sets out a new growth strategy for our rapidly growing communities. The amendment was submitted to the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing in January 2023 for approval. However, Bruce County Council was recently notified that the province is suspending its deadline for making a decision on the amendment.

Stay Tuned to Plan the Bruce!

As engaged stakeholders with the project, thank you for your involvement to date. Further public consultation is being postponed until the new Provincial Planning Statement is implemented.

We are looking forward to more opportunities for your input, at the first opportunity following the release of the new Provincial Planning Statement. Stay tuned for future updates on how you can be involved.

Phase 2 - Complete

Growth Management Amendment to Existing Bruce County Official Plan

This amendment focused on population and employment growth that is expected to occur between now and 2046. This amendment to the current Bruce County Official Plan broadly covers how much growth is expected in the County and its local Municipalities. Establishing a growth management strategy enables local municipalities to initiate planning projects to address the anticipated growth.

The public meeting was held on Thursday, October 6, 2022. Review the meeting video recording and supporting documents.

County of Bruce Council passed By-law 2022-092 on October 20, 2022, being a By-law to Adopt Part One of Amendment Number C-2022-012 to the County of Bruce Official Plan. The amendment is subject to final approval by the Minister of Municipal Affairs. Review the Notice of Adoption.

A decision was made by the Council for the Corporation of the County of Bruce on October 20, 2022 to approve By-Law 2022-093, being a By-law to Adopt Part Two of Amendment Number C-2022-012 to the County of Bruce Official Plan. Review the Notice of Decision. This amendment is now in effect.

Additional Residential Units Amendment to Existing Bruce County Official Plan

After a public meeting on July 15, 2021, the Planning and Development Committee approved a change to the County Official Plan that establishes a more flexible framework to reduce barriers to creating and permitting Additional Residential Units in detached buildings. The amendment reflects the outcome of comments received through the Plan the Bruce: Homes project and discussions with both the Province and local Municipalities. Creating Additional Residential Units directly increases the supply and mix of homes, particularly units available for rental purposes. Adding rental units will also help ease a current constraint on business growth. Natural legacy considerations are addressed through limiting opportunities for additional residential units in ‘Rural Recreation’ areas associated with shorelines and natural settings.

Review the meeting video recording and supporting documents.

Agriculture Amendment to Existing Bruce County Official Plan

On April 7, 2022, the Planning & Development Committee approved the County Official Plan Amendment – C-2021-025 Agriculture Amendment. The Committee expressed interest in advancing agriculture policy changes in the near-term to support planning objectives while not detracting from the work to advance the larger project to develop a new County Official Plan. In accordance with this direction, the Official Plan Amendment eliminates restriction of two parcels from original crown lot for surplus farm residence severances, minor lot boundary adjustments that do not result in the creation of a new parcel or increase development potential, and lot re-configurations that meet the minimum lot area requirements.

The Amendment also recognizes the existing lot area of retained parcels following a surplus farm residence severance, incorporate additional wording to better guide applicants who wish to create a new farm lot that is less than the 40-hectare (99 acre) minimum, expand and clarify the permitted uses on farms to add flexibility and better reflect the range of uses allowed in the Provincial Policy Statement and related provincial implementation guidelines, and incorporate other related minor amendments for clarity or housekeeping.

Review the meeting video recording and supporting documents.

Amendment to Existing Bruce County Official Plan to Update Policy on Community Improvement Plans (CIPs)

Review the meeting video recording and supporting documents.

Phase 1 - Complete

Learn more about the Bruce GPS visioning project.

Completed eight community-driven and planning-focused guiding principles, which will all work together to execute the vision of the new Official Plan for Bruce County. Agriculture, Homes, Natural Legacy, Good Growth, Heritage, Connecting, Communitiesand Business.

Review recommended policy direction from the eight Guiding Principles, which will all work together to execute the vision of the new Official Plan for Bruce County.

Stay Up to Date

Sign up for email updates to stay informed on how this project progresses. You will receive information and notices about the project and opportunities to get involved.

Stay tuned for more opportunities to share your ideas!

Give Input

You’re invited to help Plan the Bruce. Get involved and offer feedback on important land use planning issues affecting Bruce County now and into the future.

Get involved and offer feedback on land use planning where homes, businesses, schools, parks, roads and infrastructure are built, and how communities grow and manage change.

Together, we are explorers: navigating Bruce County toward a healthy, diverse and thriving future.

Please Note: This page will be updated regularly with project updates and opportunities to engage. In the meantime, if you have any questions or comments, please email

Reports to Council

Below are a series of reports provided to Bruce County Council on the new Official Plan.

About Plan the Bruce

Plan the Bruce is a land use project to inform the new Official Plan the roadmap for growth and development to the year 2046.

This is a major project that will have a lasting impact on how Bruce County will be shaped in the future.

Page last updated: 15 Oct 2024, 11:03 AM