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Give Input on How We Plan for the Health of Natural Resources in Bruce County


Bruce County is updating the County Official Plan and we want to ensure it guides growth and development in a way that resonates with you and other stakeholders. To support this process the County completed a community visioning process, known as Bruce GPS, that resulted in a vision statement and eight guiding principles to inform the new Official Plan. Feedback on the eight guiding principles is being completed through the Plan the Bruce project. The Plan the Bruce: Natural Legacy project is based on Principle 8: “To manage natural resources wisely for future generations.”

Your input will help us choose the best option for the for the Natural Environment System. The system includes a Natural Heritage System and Water Resource System. Your feedback will also help set policy directions for natural heritage in the County’s new Official Plan. For more information visit

Please note there is a section at the end of this survey to add additional comments. Reference to the question you are expanding on will be helpful.